Rebranding Stories
Rebranding Stories
Treviso Provincial AVIS
Superdonors: the super power of giving
AVIS is the largest blood donor association in Italy and has a provincial section in Treviso. For some time, both locally and nationally, AVIS has been reporting that donation is becoming less and less common in the eighteen to twenty-four age group.
To convince younger people to donate blood, we designed a different campaign than usual. By appealing to doubts, fears and small selfishness, we managed to convey a fresh, positive and engaging message.
Before creativity, analysis
The research conducted through one-on-one interviews, online questionnaires to AVIS members of the Treviso section, and online listening served us to understand the motivations of both those who donate and those who have stopped, the doubts and fears of those who do not donate, people's interests, and their relationship with AVIS. This information was invaluable in helping us define the language, channels, and topics to be used to intercept the interest of younger people.
The Superdonors campaign
We involved author and illustrator Lorenzo Badioli (a.k.a. Pupetti Tutti Matti), who created for AVIS the "Superdonors," three superheroes who treat donation lightly, dispelling false myths. The first donates because that way he gets his tests done without paying: for any self-respecting cheapskate, he is a superhero. The super donor learned that even if she drinks a few beers she can still donate, because it is not necessary to be a teetotaler, but to drink in moderation. The third donor is a superhero because he understood that no super power is needed to donate.
Donation target
In 6 months, the campaign had more than 4 million views and reached more than 750,000 people throughout Italy, including 135,000 young people in the Province of Treviso.
Directly from the social campaign, it was possible to book the eligibility visit through a form. There were more than 35 thousand clicks to the form and, during the period of the campaign's activity, more than 200 young people answered YES to AVIS Provinciale Treviso's "digital" call, booking the fitness visit for themselves and, in many cases, also for their partner, friends or relatives.
+4 mln
+750 k
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+35 k
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