Rebranding Stories
Rebranding Stories
ILVE Kitchen Appliances
You never stop learning (to cook)
As an Italian company specialized in the design and production of innovative cooking systems, ILVE pays close attention to trends in the restaurant world. To present the Colonna Stellata, an appliance system that integrates a multifunctional trivalent oven, blast chiller and vacuum machine, it needed a campaign that would engage people, stimulating their interest in cooking.
To collect contacts of people potentially interested in the product, we worked on social media by identifying the right audience to whom to show campaign ads.
The concept: more value to time with batch cooking
What are the recurring characteristics of people who are passionate about cooking? They often have little time but are still interested in eating well, possibly without waste. In two words: batch cooking, a method that helps people to optimize their grocery shopping and cook good, healthy meals once a week.
ILVE Cookbook
Together with a chef, we have developed a batch cooking recipe program to be received by email: a total of six recipes per week for twelve weeks, plus tips for planning grocery shopping and storing food at its best. The recipes are designed to be reproduced by anyone, but those who have the Colonna Stellata appliance system enjoy a few extra benefits.
Creating a campaign
From concept to practice. We identified the style and tone of voice of the communication, organized the shooting of dishes and their component ingredients, fine-tuned the layout of the cookbooks and designed the customer journey, from social ads to the receiving of weekly menus.
A large and international audience
We engaged ILVE's European distributors to amplify the reach of the campaign, promoting it in seven countries and eight languages.
More than a thousand contacts in a few months in Italy alone, an average email open rate of 90% and the menu downloaded by 100% of subscribers. The success of the campaign proves that people reward those who offer original content, tailored to their interests.
Weekly cookbooks
People reached (IT)
Collected contacts (IT)
Those who have worked with us
Simona Patat
web development
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